For its tenth edition, the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez organized
its charity auction of photographs to benefit a humanitarian cause.

The 68,000€ raised will be donated in full to the "Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" association, helping to save the lives of 5 children.

Charity auction of photographs
to benefit the association
"Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, enfants du monde".

The auction will be conducted by Maître Théo Lavignon,
from the auction house Beaussant Lefèvre & Partners.

Un grand Merci Ă  tous les photographes donateurs 2024

Stéphane Hette , Antonio Gaudencio, Thierry Vezon, Sylvie Barco, Fred Di Girolamo, Pierre-Olivier Deschamps, Bruno Des Gayets, Maxime Drouet, Stéphane Gladieu, Christine Bozza, Laurent Ballesta, Gérard Bayssière, Atelier Lucien Clergue, Axel Ruhomaully, Quentin Caffier, Carole Reboul, Stéphane Granzotto, Mathieu Courdesses, Tico Haroutiounian, Jean Larivière, Hans Silvester , Cécile Larher, Philippe Shangti, Antoine Schneck, Kyriakos Kaziras, Jean-Michel Lenoir, Nicolas Orillard-Demaire, Didier Goupy

The full benefits are donated to the humanitarian work "Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque":

10 editions:
• € 350,000 donated to a humanitarian work,
• 85 children saved

Every year, the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez publishes portraits and detailed information
about the children saved by Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.
Here are the four children saved thanks to donations made to "Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" in 2023.

En 2023 ...

2023 - Cheque presented to the association
"Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" :
4 children saved

On October 6, 2023, at the Salon de la Photo in Paris, the organizers and partners of the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez presented their partner CANON's stand with a donation of 50,000 euros to the "Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" association, the result of profits from the 2023 edition of the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez.
This amount saved the lives of 4 children suffering from heart disease, who have no access to treatment in their country of birth.

They participated in the success of the previous editions...

Among the generous donor photographers in previous years:

Reza Deghati, Hans Silvester, Pascal Maître, Sabine Weiss, Sebastião Salgado, Helmut Newton, Ellen Von Unwerth, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Ludovic Baron, Jean-Daniel Lorieux, Kyriakos Kaziras, Lee Jeffries, John Bishop, Peter Lippmann, Renaud Corlouër, Uwe Ommer, Eric Valli, Bernard Plossu, Roger Ballen, Pierre De Vallombreuse, Thierry Des Ouches, Hervé Nabon, Xavier Roy, Gilles Bensimon, Quentin Caffier, Patrick Braoudé, Sébastien Salamand, Maud Challard, Richard Melloul, Daniel Angeli, Patrick Chelli, Karen Knorr, Roberto Battistini, Guillaume Plisson, Arnaud Baumann, François Darmigny, Pupa Neumann, Jean-François Jonvelle, Lizzie Sadin, Gérard Bayssière, Diego Speri, Magali Devrin, Dominique Douieb, Studio Harcourt Paris, Nadia Ferroukhi, Fouad Elkoury, Sylvia Galmot, Maya Baghirova, Vee Speers, Isabelle Girollet, Sylvie Barco, Didier Bizos......the finalists and winners of the contest Grand Prix Photo

Francis Dagnan, president Studio Harcourt, Bob Swaim, Anne MĂ©aux, Mireille Darc.

From the first edition, Mireille Darc, godmother of “La Chaine de l’Espoir” actively supported the Grand Prix Photo of
Saint-Tropez. Involved and diligent, she had participated in the competition’s selection boards,and honoured us with her presence at auctions and awards ceremonies. Mireille Darc had also offered personal photographic work.

Mireille Darc

Michel Boujenah

Thierry Beccaro

Christelle Chollet