Welcome to the 10th edition of the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez.


For its tenth edition, the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez organized
its charity auction of photographs to benefit a humanitarian cause.

The 68,000€ raised will be donated in full to the "Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" association, helping to save the lives of 5 children.

Donations collected by
the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez
since its creation :

418,000€ raised

90 children saved

A gratefulness to the donating photographers, to the buyers, to the
Auction House Beaussant Lefèvre et associés
and to all the partners of the
Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez.


Contest 2024, theme "Escape" - Registration until January 1, 2024

Exceptional photographs - Auction

salle Jean Despas, place des Lices from May 6 to 11

Auction sale

salle Jean Despas, place des Lices May 11

Exhibition of finalist and winning photographs from the "Evasion" competition"

salle Jean Despas, place des Lices from May 6 to 11

Photo exhibition

Les jardins du musée de l'Annonciade from May 1 to 31

Photo exhibition

Place Blanqui, from June

on the picture: Gilles Hittinger-Roux,HB.Associés - David Attal, Fotodart - Francis Dagnan, Studio Harcourt - Théo Lavignon, Beaussant Lefevre Associes - Corinne de Prémare, HB Associés - Quentin Caffier ,Photographe -Roch Lorente , Channel Manager Canon,, Bob Swaim, membre du Jury - Philippe Deschepper, Grand Prix Photo - Éric Ribot, Lauréat du concours 2023 - Nicolas Orillard-Demaire, Photographe - Patrick Baradel, Atelier Image Collée - Isabelle Duran, Grand Prix Photo - Massimo Ambrosio, Grand Prix Photo, Thierno and her foster mother, Orso Chetochine, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque . © Didier Bizos.

2023 - Cheque presented to the association
"Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" :
4 children saved

On October 6, 2023, at the Salon de la Photo in Paris, the organizers and partners of the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez presented their partner CANON's stand with a donation of 50,000 euros to the "Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque" association, the result of profits from the 2023 edition of the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez.
This amount will help save the lives of 4 children suffering from heart disease, who have no access to treatment in their country of birth.

In 2023, the Grand Prix Photo donated 50,000 donation to the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque association.
The sum raised by the Grand Prix Photo in 2023 were used to finance operations on
4 children suffering from heart disease.
Every year, the Grand Prix Photo de Saint-Tropez publishes portraits and detailed information about the children saved by Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque thanks to the donations collected.

Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque enables children with heart defects from underprivileged countries to undergo surgery in France when this is impossible at home due to lack of technical or financial resources.
More than 4,500 children have already been treated since Francine Leca founded the association in 1996.

Saint-Tropez, a lifestyle

Mythical place, this village is magical.
IUnder the particular light of the south, it offers inspiring landscapes for many photographers.


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The Grand Prix Photo of Saint-Tropez is organized by the association “Grand Prix Photo” governed by the law of 1 July 1901.